Thursday, September 20, 2007

Course change in Iraq

Lugar urges Bush to change course soon in Iraq found on

In this article, the ranking Republican on the senate Foreign Relation Commitee (Richard Lugar) advises the president to change the course in Iraq. By him saying that it shows the lack of support of the republicans on the issue of the war in Iraq. This shows when "Republican support for President Bush's Iraq war policy suffered a significant crack Monday evening when Republican Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana urged the president to change course in Iraq "very soon." Lugar wants to avoid more damages to the United States military. He says that "avoid further damage to America's military readiness and long-term national security.” He also said that the national securities have lost interest in Iraq (Our course in Iraq has lost contact with our vital national security interests in the Middle East and beyond”).
The Senator said he hasn’t seen any evidence that Iraqis will make a change in their government even if the U.S. makes changes in their politics and economics (he sees "no convincing evidence that Iraqis will make the compromises necessary to solidify a functioning government and society, even if we reduce violence to a point that allows for some political and economic normalcy." So he meant that there is no point of the United States being in Iraq. The U.S locating in Iraq is just putting stress on them and is going to have a damaging result to the military strength. The employment of the troops is also minimizing.
The point of this article is that Senator Lugar has a negative attitude toward how the United States troops are doing in Iraq. He wants President Bush to change his strategy concerning Iraq. The troops being in Iraq is not doing any good.
This article is worth reading if you want to how the Iraqi war is affecting the troops and national security.

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