Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Comments on Isidros Government concerning the War in Iraq

I agree with your take on the war in Iraq. I believe this War shouldn’t have started in the first place. It is great that you wrote the effects on the United States. This War started 4years ago (on March 20, 2003). And we are still dealing with this conflict. Like you said the war created a fear in the people of the United States because it was said the Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. This war also rose up quickly because of the issue of September 11.

Furthermore, with this War in Iraq the U.S. and Iraq are paying for it in a bad way. Like Isidros said, the United States is paying for it in terms of national debt and the death of our soldiers. I agree with Isidros when he said that the War is costing us billions of dollars, and that the money being spent on Iraq can be used on health care or rebuilding New Orleans. In addition to that innocent lives are been taking because of the mistake of going to war. We lose innocent people both Americans and Iraqis everyday.

In conclusion, the War in Iraq is a critical issue that should be paid more attention to. With the way the conflict is going, it is only going to get worse. So like Isidros said the United States should try its best to stop the problems. I am in support of that also but how will it be done?

Whatever the solution of this issue might be, it is easier said that done!

Isidros post can be found on http://isidrosgovernmentreport.blogspot.com/2007/10/war.html

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